Tuesday, July 3, 2007

They are here!

La and her friend Silke, made it here around their scheduled arrival time. Instead of calling right then, they waited until they had their baggage and were ready to be picked up. Several things happened at the last minute for me and I was at the grocery store when they called. That was why I wanted them to call when they first arrived. It was okay, I just hated for them to have to wait. Kim had come home early from work and was able to zip over to the airport to pick them up.

Silke has been adopted by our dog, Radar. I think he is ready to abandon us and stay with her. He is a good judge of character. She is a very kind young lady who we already enjoy being around.

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. If we get up early, we can attend a good old fashioned parade in P-ville which is about 20 miles away. Instead of going downtown to DC for the fireworks, we plan to attend the local ones here in H-Town. I think we'll all be work out!

Thanks to all who were praying for the girls to arrive safely!


Hol said...

I'm so glad they made it safely. I also hope you all had a great day today, being the 4th.

Happy Independence Day!

xox - Hol

Laura said...

I would have called first, but the lovely little signs at the airport said we couldn't use cell phones until we had cleared customs. Ugh. When do teleporters come out?