Friday, July 6, 2007

Splash Down

Went to the water park today. The weather was perfect for it! Since Silke and Ky had nothing but cool, wet weather in Germany for two weeks, they absolutely loved it! We usually only stay until 3 or 4 p.m., but this time we stayed until about 7. The best part was that when I got home, my sweet husband was cooking hamburgers for us! He can be very sweet and thoughtful. He did this after working all day. Glad I married him!

We got to Splash Down with print-out-at-home tickets. The big advantage was that you didn't have to wait in line! There were even signs saying so! So, we went to the ticketed people's line. The park ranger (this water park is located and owned by the county) told us we'd have to go to the ticket counter to get the tickets checked. Of course, when we got there, those folks wondered why we were drunk so early in the day, what with all the signs, etc. We finally got in and had a great time.

Now, I am wooly tired.

Good night all!

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