Monday, October 13, 2008

Whistle While You Work

I wish I'd had the seven dwarves around this weekend to help me clean.  I'd have been happy to have had even ONE helper!  Oh, well, I guess I can do more throughout the week.  As if the work days aren't long enough....

At least I'll be back at work tomorrow and not see the mess.  Because, of course, the mess is messier since I am only about halfway through cleaning.  :-)


Hol said...

Eek! That reminds me that I have a load of towels in the dryer that I need to fold.

I'm not sure why, but folding is my least favorite "chore". Well, other than cleaning commodes and emptying the trash *especially when it's stinky*.

Laura said...

I would help you... if I were there! We should have a little cleaning party over Thanksgiving. Though I can't say my dorm room is exactly clean... it's amazing how many dust bunnies appear when there's no air conditioning to get the dust out of the air!