Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus.  How I love you!  Because of you, I don't have to go outside of my house to work tomorrow!   (I'm sure I'll find plenty of work inside!)

At our school, we have a very complicated schedule of how to get close to 1000 students into and out of all of their non-core classes and lunch, which is called a 6-day cycle.  This also allows every grade level to go to these "specials" classes at the same time, which delights the teachers.  It has become so complicated that we have to have a binder in the office with a listing of each student and his/her grade level and their team number and letter.  Then, we have a set of tables to use to figure out exactly where each little darling is studying movement or music or art or dance.  This year, thanks to the fact that one of our specials teachers is a techie, the specials "DAY" is shown all day on each and every television, alternating with the lunch schedule, the announcements, coming events and generally a nice picture or two.  On Friday, the teacher found the coolest picture for Columbus Day!  It was a picture of two ships sailing toward a cliff and one of the ships was in the process of falling off the edge of the world.  I didn't hear any concerns about whether it was a little too frightening for the youngest and most sensitive of our students, but it was a great picture. 

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