Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

Is there any day more depressing than the first day of school?  Okay, stay-at-home moms are not allowed to answer that!  

The phones rang all day long!  We had parents who couldn't wait to get rid of their kids and those who couldn't stand letting their children go to their assigned class alone.  (We are supposed to discourage parents from going to the classrooms because it is so disruptive.  Also, parents have a way of asking the teachers "just one more question...")  I try to direct all of my communications to the student, since I like for the child to have a chance to learn how to talk to adults and I feel that I am a safe person for them to practice on.  Sometimes, the parents won't let their child answer anything.  I feel that such children benefit more from school than from anything else!  

Oh, well, it was the usual crazy day at school.  

One down, 179 to go.

That is really depressing.


Hol said...

What grade are the students who's parents want to walk them to class?

I can remember my Young 5's class many years ago. I didn't know at the time, but my mom followed behind the bus a few times to make sure I made it safely. (She told me about doing that a year or two ago.)

The only time I can remember her going to the school with me was for meet the teacher or a program.

I hope your days get better soon.

jon zebedee said...

i LOVE the first day of school. so much excitment. i miss those days. i should have been a career student.

did you get that book i sent?

hope you empty-nesters are doing well. :)

glee said...

We allow the parents to walk the kids to class if they are early or on time, but some parents choose to miss the open house, arrive very late (30 minutes or more) and then want to walk their children to class. If they are young, I must either walk the child to class or use the intercom to let the teacher know to expect the student. This student today was in third grade and had been a student here since K,

I guess being on the other side of school (we're the "management" side) is a little different. I guess I don't have many good memories of school. Think about it--the office gets to handle all of the bad experiences. Parents these days are ridiculous. "School has been out fifteen minutes and the bus hasn't gotten to my house! Where is my child???" or "What do you mean my child's grades may suffer just because we plan to go to (country halfway around the world) from the third week of September until the week before Thanksgiving? Why can't the teacher give us all the work to take with us?"

I did get the book and am hoping to delve into it more now that things are beginning to settle down. It is taking some time to figure out what to do with ourselves, but we are doing fine.

Thanks for asking!

Laura said...

I hope things calm down soon! Those silly parents... oh, wait. j/k

Hey, at least take comfort in that you got more break than I did! (Although I like it here, so...)

Laura said...

Okay... your live feed thinks I'm from "Ridge, Maryland." So... since when was Blacksburg close to Maryland? Lol!