Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ready, March!

Can it be March already?  

It is funny how time flies as I age.  A day used to seem like a lifetime when I was a child.  The week seemed like ages when I was in school.  Now, the hours, days and years seem to fly by.  Must be relativity at work.

Ky just picked up her graduation announcements.  I remember when she was a year old going to another one-year-old's birthday party and the mom holding up her glass of juice (or probably milk) and toasting September, 1995.   Why?  Because that would be when we'd each put our kids on a school bus for the first time and finally have a life of our own again.  Preschool was good, but small and I felt like I still had some control over my little one's life.  The first day of kindergarten was a nightmare.   For Ky.  As soon as she got home, the questions began.  "Do you like your teacher?"  "Did you make friends with anyone new today?"  "Do you have homework?"  Believe it or not, that last one was asked in hopes that she did have homework.  I just couldn't wait until she had homework.  Last year, I was thinking that this would be the last year I'd have her home, but although she is home, she has a grueling schedule and enough homework to last three years.  

I know it is preparing her for college.  Without me.  That may be the hardest part of the equation.  She doesn't need me for much anymore.  She walks, talks, reads, writes, she even drives--all by herself.   
She has turned out rather nicely, if I may say so myself!  
So, as we wait for the college decisions to be made, we'll talk and laugh with each other and maybe, just maybe, get to sneak out for a Starbucks every so often together.  


Hol said...

I agree. Time does fly, more so now than when I was younger and in school.

Ky has turned out very well. She's such a sweet, smart young woman. Wow, that's kind of scary to think that's she's old enough to be a "young woman". Wasn't she 6 just a few short years ago?

I'll be honest. There were moments during college where I needed my parents. Sometimes it was advice, or just a listening ear.

I am glad I had that.

glee said...

Yes, she probably still thinks she needs us, but she can take care of things on her own pretty well. Boo-hoo!

She also really needs her cousins to serve as big sisters (since she is an only) and she's blessed with two who are quite terrific themselves! I'm glad she has you all. I trust you both with her and she loves you!