Sunday, February 10, 2008

Twenty-four hours ago

Twenty-four hours ago, I was a basket case. Okay, it was really about 30 hours ago.  I felt sick and worried.  I really wanted to call off the entire performance!   I finally decided I couldn't bail out and that helped make things a little better.     We had all been up late Friday night due to my dress rehearsal, so I expected us all to sleep in.  Kim got up and went to his early-Saturday-morning small group Bible study.  He is the most reliable person I've ever known!   I got up and made brunch around 10:30 and Laura got to eat a little before she went off to a rehearsal.  She and a group of orchestra members accompanied the District High School chorus.  It was about 3:30 before they actually performed, so Laura rehearsed, came home to do a little homework, went back and performed and then had to do some shopping for her German Club.  I tried to lay low all day to rest up for the night's performance.  


In the meantime, Kim was keeping everyone going.  He coordinated Laura's comings and goings, took pictures of their performance and helped her arrange her schedule (of which I was pretty much oblivious!) to be sure she'd be home in time to ride with him to my recital.  From our house, it takes about an hour to get to the church on Capitol Hill.  He took me to dinner on the way to the bus and got me there just in time to catch the bus, which was a few minutes early.  Whew!  

I got to the church and waited for everyone else to arrive.  Tim arrived and we both admitted that it was quite a frightening evening ahead of us.  

The performance went quite well, but there were not very many people present.  That was good, in that I made plenty of mistakes.  That was bad because it was a fund raiser for the church choir.    I still had some fabulous friends show up to hear me.   Many thanks to Pam, Janelle, Cheryl and George!  Okay, George was invited by Paul, but I believe he came to hear me.  He is, by the way, a very talented pianist himself and I hope to get him on a stage soon.   

Several of the choir members were there, too, and it was great to see them there.  Traveling to Europe with that choir was a highlight in my memories and those folks are very special to me.  

My very favorite audience members were there on the front row:  Kim and Laura.  They have been so supportive in the past few weeks.  I am so blessed to have them both in my life.  


Susan said...

That sounds so exciting. I'd love hear you sing, I'll bet it was great.

Hol said...

It's great you had all that support! Seeing a family member in front seems to help a bit (at least from my experience).

When do performances ever get easier? Theater/musicals, chorus (MDYC), and orchestra weren't too bad.

Solo & Ensemble wracked my nerves every single time. I loved to play, but I don't miss the competitions.

I remember one time, my mouth got so dry I couldn't hit all the notes, and my hands shook. Not a good combo for a flautist, as you know.

I'd love to hear a song or two if you have a recording.

Laura said...

You did fantastic. I love hearing you sing. And you probably are the only one to notice your mistakes.


glee said...

Hubby and Ky recorded our performance. I haven't heard the tapes yet and I am sure I'll hate them! There are so many things I'd love to have done differently. A friend who was at the recital has asked us to do the same recital at her church. We are discussing it and might do it. It would be closer to home and maybe some more of my friends and acquaintances could attend. Or at least they wouldn't have excuses!