Thursday, December 27, 2007

Fun Day

Yesterday was a lot of fun. All three of us went to Ikea! It never disappoints, but it always disappoints. It is a cool place and you'd have to go there to understand my last couple of sentences.

DDD (aka Ky) LOVES to go to Ikea, as do I, but it is located down south of the Washington DC metro area and there is no easy way to get there. Ky had received a new GPS from Santa (since she'll be driving off on her own to college soon) and we decided to try it out. We basically just ignored it as long as we knew the way and only used it at the end because it was determined to get us on I-95. Of course, it told us we had arrived about a half mile early, but by that time, I knew where we were and could guide us the rest of the way. Weird. On the way back, it took us WAAAAY out of the way. Probably because we were preoccupied ignoring it!

We found a kitchen table and chairs we like. We had to assemble them at home, but we did quite well. The table is a translucent glass with a green tint to it--the Coca-Cola bottle green tint. We had been painting the house, but stopped halfway through the kitchen. The walls used to be a pale pink and one is now a pale battleship gray. Now, the green table makes the gray look icky. Gotta rethink the gray. Maybe pink again? I don't know. We have some accent walls throughout the rest of the house. They are navy blue and maroon. I wish I had any type of gift with colors, but I definitely don't. The green and gray are driving me crazy, though.

Well, hope the end of 2007 keeps everyone safe and sound and the beginning of 2008 is peaceful.

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