Saturday, June 9, 2007

Pet peeves

Hmm. My niece, Hol, is having AC problems right now and she lives in a warm, humid area. I'll keep her in my prayers in regards to that. It is awful to be so uncomfortable. How did my generation make it so long without AC? I guess we just didn't know better. Friday was my school's field day and also a Code Orange day. Some of the parents were so worried about that. Sheeesh. I HATE hot weather.

We also had a little first grader who spent all of the month of May in the office during his recess times. Why? Because of his allergies. That was why I was amazed when he told me that his family was going to go camping over Memorial Day. "FIve days with no electricity!" One of my pet peeves is when kids have to spend time in the office. Whoever put them there is not going to be supervising them, I guarantee! They are bored and it takes only a few minutes before they start bothering the office staff. We would not be allowed to teach the normal classroom group--we aren't qualified as teachers--but we are allowed to supervise those students a teacher cannot handle, while we are also doing our own work!

Let's see. What else? patterns that don't live up to their measurements. Of course, women should be able to take their measurements and sew something up. My daughter and I recently went looking for a sundress for her. They are all slinky looking. She was looking for something a little more wholesome--the Doris Day look, I guess. I finally suggested we look for a pattern and material. We found just the right thing. It has been years, so I took her measurements and set out making this dress. It is one that you sew up the top and sew up the bottom, hem first, and then put the whole thing together at the end. At the end, I realized that she isn't a size 10 (I had my suspicions at first, since she wears a 5 or 7 usually, but the patterns don't have junior sizes) so I've been trying to take this monster up ever since. Looked like the top needed about two to three INCHES taken out. Why post the measurements at all?

Speaking of sizes, why can't she just pull down a 5 and carry it home? My husband manages to do that with his clothes!

Okay, this pet peeves business may be a continuing post...

What are your pet peeves???

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