Saturday, November 15, 2008

What a sight!

We have had a rather gloomy week, weather-wise.  It's been damp, dark and a bit windy all week long.  I got up this morning and started my usual weekend chores and at about 3 p.m. or so, decided the dog might need to go outdoors.  (He'd been out before, don't worry!)  I looked out my front window and saw that the sun was shining pretty brightly, but it was raining.  I grabbed the umbrella and the dog and headed out.  As we got to the sidewalk and turned toward the northeast, I noticed a rainbow up against a very dark backdrop of sky.  It was unusual in that it filled the complete sky.  I could see all 180 degrees!  I was noticing how I could distinguish all the colors, too, which is a feat for me since my distance vision has always been lousy.  I enjoyed it for a couple of minutes and then turned to figure out what the dog was doing and when I turned back, it seemed like I could only see about 160 degrees.  I wasn't sure, though, and I walked a bit further and encouraged the dog to keep moving.  When I turned back, only about 3o degrees of the rainbow remained.  It made me a bit sad to see it go, but I'm so glad I went outside when I did!  

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Blue Pearl


Well, DH and I participated in Trunk or Treat at our church.  It was quite a lot of fun.   I would have loved something like this when I was younger.  In case you haven't heard of it before, a church turns part of the parking lot over to families or groups who set up a booth or demonstration or something similar and have games and candy for the neighborhood. 

Our small group decided to go as pirates and one of the families decorated their blue van as "The Blue Pearl!"  DH and I bought parts of costumes, as the entire costumes were either too risque (for me) or too popular and sold out (for him.)   

I thought they decorated their van in such a clever way, and I can't get that picture to load.  I'll try again later.  Sorry.  Sorry Blogger.