Saturday, May 31, 2008


We have a gazebo.  It's not pretty, but it came with our house.  I hope we can sell our house before the gazebo needs to be dismantled.  Nuff said.

Anyway, a few years ago, when the squirrels were keeping fat on our bird seed, Ky and I made a squirrel feeder and put it on the gazebo.  It is not that close to the bird feeder, so it might work.  

For a while, we were good at keeping it stocked with peanuts, but peanuts also have a cost and the squirrels were  always walking out without paying for their meals.  The squirrel feeder soon became just another odd ornament.  About two months ago, I cleaned out the squirrel feeder, which is mostly a gallon jar in a wooden harness.  I felt good about having the thing at least look clean.  About a month ago, I noticed that someone had filled the jar with leaves or mud, or something brown.   I mentioned this to Ky, who investigated and saw that it had become a nest for some baby squirrels. 

Okay, I can't get the pictures to be "below" so you'll have to scroll back up to see them.  I'll try with another shot:

Didn't work.  Oh, well.  I think the little squirrels are cute.  Pretty soon, they'll be eating up lots of seeds and causing trouble.  Still, it is fascinating.  Mom Squirrel likes to sit in the entrance and watches every move we make.  If we get too close, however, she runs off and that's how I got the pictures.  

God made some pretty animals!

1 comment:

Hol said...

Wow, those are some good pictures! We've had a handful of new squirrels running around here. It has been fun watching them chase each other.

Kira loves to watch them too, and they enjoy teasing her by flicking their tails and chattering.

I think there may have been a nest up in the pine tree in our backyard, but I'm not for sure. We never really saw "who" was up there.