Saturday, May 31, 2008


We have a gazebo.  It's not pretty, but it came with our house.  I hope we can sell our house before the gazebo needs to be dismantled.  Nuff said.

Anyway, a few years ago, when the squirrels were keeping fat on our bird seed, Ky and I made a squirrel feeder and put it on the gazebo.  It is not that close to the bird feeder, so it might work.  

For a while, we were good at keeping it stocked with peanuts, but peanuts also have a cost and the squirrels were  always walking out without paying for their meals.  The squirrel feeder soon became just another odd ornament.  About two months ago, I cleaned out the squirrel feeder, which is mostly a gallon jar in a wooden harness.  I felt good about having the thing at least look clean.  About a month ago, I noticed that someone had filled the jar with leaves or mud, or something brown.   I mentioned this to Ky, who investigated and saw that it had become a nest for some baby squirrels. 

Okay, I can't get the pictures to be "below" so you'll have to scroll back up to see them.  I'll try with another shot:

Didn't work.  Oh, well.  I think the little squirrels are cute.  Pretty soon, they'll be eating up lots of seeds and causing trouble.  Still, it is fascinating.  Mom Squirrel likes to sit in the entrance and watches every move we make.  If we get too close, however, she runs off and that's how I got the pictures.  

God made some pretty animals!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prom 2008

Prom was a little more than a week ago.  This year, Ky and her good friends, Mag, D, Cath, J and M all went to eat at a restaurant and then to the prom and finally, to the After-Prom.  Why don't they have an After After-Prom?  

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Graduation is coming, heigh ho, heigh ho!

Ky graduates on June 16, 9:30 a.m.  Anyone who wants to be there, is welcome.  I plan to be there.  She is going to the prom this weekend.  She has finished 4 of her 5 AP tests this year.  The last one is a make-up test since she had two scheduled at the same time.  It is on the 23rd, I believe.  It is English, which is a good one to finish out on.  That means the tough ones--calc, German, computer science and physics, are done.   Okay, English won't be easy, but having the others a couple of weeks after the rest would be torture.  

Ky will have several pieces of graduation regalia to wear for the different honor societies.  I can't recall all that she will wear.  She's heard nothing from NHS (Nat'l Honor Society) and it appears that the hardest part of that group was the application.  Just about the only part of NHS was the application!  They have a choice of cords and tassels for most of the honor groups.  

My graduation had no such fun stuff.  I was in NHS, but don't recall that we had anything to show for it.  I lived back in the boring old days.   I need to remember to do a post on my early, black-and-white years.   I don't know how (or why) we stayed awake during it all!

Anyway, stay posted for exciting graduation/prom stuff.  I'll see if I can find time to count down the days, too.  

I'm really proud of Ky for working so long and so hard!  I only had 12 years of school!  She's had an extra year--Kindergarten!  I'm surprised I was able to get through all 12 years, and here, she's ahead of me.  How did the teachers cram learning colors and letters and numbers into first grade with all that other stuff.  Memories of first grade--that's another post!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ky's prayer requests!


Ky is taking her AP tests this week and next.  Then, she has one final one on the 23rd.  Please keep her in your prayers.  She has worked VERY hard all year and knows just about everything the teachers have tried to teach her, but I just pray that she'll be able to pull it out of her memory in the correct order and think straight during her tests.  Today's test was Computer Science and the teacher admitted early in the year that he would only be teaching them about half of what they needed to do well on the exam :-(   That makes for a rather depressing beginning to the testing weeks, doesn't it?  Regardless, Ky remains confident that she is ready for tomorrow's test--BC Calculus.  Someone asked her the other day if the BC stood for "Before Christ!"  That brought all sorts of fun pictures into my head, of guys riding donkeys with slide rules and calculators, doing derivatives and integrals!   I don't know what BC stands for, but it is the tougher of the two Calculus classes.  

Next week, Ky has German and Physics (ugh) and finishes up the AP testing on the 23rd with English.  

Also, Ky and her dad will be performing at a youth group coffeehouse on Friday night.  They will play Orange Blossom Special--one of my favorite fiddling tunes.  They sound great!  Prayers for that would also be appreciated!