Sunday, January 6, 2008


Things have been up in the air for the past couple of months--in terms of my upcoming recital. First one thing, then another. It has been looking quite grim especially in the past two weeks. Then, today, I received an email and a phone call that has me excited again about singing. I relayed the information to my DH and he was very supportive. He usually (for 27.5 years) doesn't give me his opinion on anything, even if I ask. (Wouldn't it be great to have that kind of self-control??) This time, however, I think he knew how desperate I was, so he helped me sort through my options and see things from a different perspective.

As a result, I will be singing in a recital on February 9. Now, all I must do is write my bio, find the additional lyrics and translations, practice, practice, and practice. Oh, and try to invite my friends. Everyone I ask says, "where is it?" and when I tell them, they suddenly have other obligations. Sigh. It is on Capitol Hill in DC. Quite a drive from here, but a great building to sing in. The acoustics are pretty good. Much better than most places around here.

Wish me luck!


Hol said...

I'm really glad you have a confirmed date for your recital. Wow, Capitol Hill? I bet it will sound beautiful there!

I'll be thinking of you, and wishing you luck.

Laura said...

Yay! I'm so glad it worked out. I hope I can go! You always sing so well.