Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wow! I am surprised!

Thank you, Hol & J, for the award.

I received an award from Hol and Ky has promised to show me how to put it here on my blog, but don't hold your breath. She is back in school and has her hands quite full with 5 AP classes. She went to a workshop today to help her prepare for Senior Regionals in orchestra. That is one set of quite hard music. Then, she has seating auditions for her school orchestra on Tuesday, 9/11. She was Assistant Concert master last year and the Concert Master graduated. She REALLY wants that job. She has worked very hard, but isn't assured of the position until she does well on the auditions. Please pray that she'll do her best and be calm during the audition. Oh, and all of this is in addition to AP calculus BC (those letters mean something that means the class is for those who intend to take more math in college, I think,) AP English Lit, AP German, AP Computer Science, regular Government and AP Physics online. I don't like to think of the pressure she is under with that load. I guess next year she'll be taking ALL AP since APs are supposed to be college-level classes, but really. Please pray that she can handle all of that this year. Oh, and college applications are due in November, I think.

Since school started, I have been working full-time for a week. The novelty has definitely worn off.

Oh, excuse me--I fell asleep because I haven't gotten to bed anywhere near the right time all week, either.

Guess that means it is time to go to bed.


Hol said...

You and Ky are in our prayers. I didn't have all the tough classes that Ky does, but I do remember all of my AP English courses. Unfortunately I wasn't able to put them too good use in college.

The placement testing for math and English were at the same time. I had to take the math placement test no matter what, so I did not get to "test out" of English. Oh well. I did just fine anyway.

Hol said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes!

I am humbled by your kind words and compliments. Thank you!