Friday, April 18, 2008

Back Home Again!

Thanks for the prayers for our trip.  This year, we had great bus drivers, great buses, great kids and great fun.  We didn't get great scores, but that's okay.  That's not what the trip is about, IMO.  It didn't rain inside the bus this year, so I was happy.  The driver didn't pull over for a nap in a deserted gas station, either.  

The buses were pretty cool.  They were new and had an interesting DVD system.  Every six or eight seats had a video screen where you could watch either a DVD or DirectTV.  I was in the front right seat and was in control of the entire system.  No manual, but no worries.  I hate manuals and wouldn't have read one anyway.  

Disney World is a great place.  It feels like utopia.  If everyone acted and reacted to others the way the Disney employees do, the world would be a better place.   It all comes at a cost, though.  $$$$$

Okay, the pope is in town.  I'm not Catholic, so I just don't get the importance of it.  I like not having to go to God through a priest or a pope.  The red shoes were cool, though.  I don't know why anyone would go to the trouble of going downtown to watch the pope on a giant screen TV.  It doesn't seem like you are really seeing the person, to me.  They have started putting a few opera performances out on the giant screens like that and I'd love to see one of those.   Hearing the pope's voice in person isn't worth the trouble to me.


I've been doing a lot of thinking in the past week or two and I hope it will make me a better person.  Keep me in your prayers!


Hol said...

Glad you made it home safely. Disney World sounds like fun, but expensive like you said.

I agree, I'm also glad we can talk directly to God, and that we know what a blessing/gift that is.

We'll be praying, and thinking of you.

glee said...

Thanks! It helps to know others are praying for me!